Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Devil's Playground

I've been neglecting my blogs, and that's because I've been neglecting my machinima.

As usual, the root cause is too many distractions. In my defense, some were calendrical: the holidays rolled through like a typhoon, both in my work and family life. Nevertheless, just as I'm starting to get the hang of Blender, along comes Animata. And all the while Im working with SketchUp and MovieStorm and Studio Artist. Oh, and PhotoShop, Illustrator, and AfterEffects, too.

These last three I'm actually pretty handy with. But mostly as a sort of 'swiss army knife' toolkit. I'm not as good creatively, using them as design tools rather than problem solvers. Of course this is a reflection more of my lack of design talent, but that's why I want to spend more time with them, to try up my game a bit creatively speaking.

Then our economy (and the world's) has this little hiccup, I'm sure you've heard of it, which has left me with more unbooked hours than I'd like. Well, idle hands are the devil's plaything, so I've decided to make use of my new found free time to tackle some of the larger projects I've been neglecting for too long. This being the 21st century, the obvious thing to do is to blog about it. Et voilá! - my new blog.

I wil not be neglecting machinima entirely of course, so do stay tuned here for updates.