Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sketchup and Unity?

Sure! Why not?

Why, if you only have the free version, of course! The free Google sketchup has no exporters; you can only save to its own format, the 3D warehouse format. However, just today Overman turned me on to a new possibility - 3DXchange:

I haven't tried it yet, because I haven't got windows on my mac yet, but I sure hope that if it will convert Sketchup to iClone it'll also convert to Unity. Unity has a very robust set of formats it imports seamlessly.

That said, I have tried exporting a model from my 8-hour trial version of Google SketchUp Pro into unity and that worked FINE. So if 3DXchange doesn't work, then an alternative would be to find someone who has the pro version and ask/pay them to convert my models for me. Because truth be told, SketchUp is really fast and easy when it comes to building 3d!

Otherwise, still just slogging my way through my many new programs: Unity, StudioArtist, etc.

1 comment:

Ricky Lee Grove said...

Antics3d is comparable to IClone in quality, the difference is that the base pack is free. The newest version of Antics is 3.1 and it imports the native file format of Sketch-up directly into Antics. In fact, you can search the google warehouse from within the program.

Good luck on your model making! I agree, Sketchup is very cool.