Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ah, the holidays

Indeed, the festive season has kept me quite busy. I've also had to work some, as the landlord has this odd obession with getting a check from me every month. As a result, I've thought more about Unity than actually practiced using it. Oh well. In any case, I'm going to buy license this week so I can deduct it in my 07 taxes.

Did manage to tinker productively with the cameras; however, I need to spend more time grokking the scripting.

otee has recently posted some new tutorials that the user fora all abuzz about. Can't wait to check them out.

In other news, got a copy of Parallels Desktop. I hope this will allow me to install iClone and crazytalk on my mac. I'll let you know!

Happy new year everybody!

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